Jack was pursuing a career as an emergency medicine doctor when the Lord called Him to go on a short-term mission trip. He went to South Korea with Nehemiah Teams, and the Lord used that summer to change his career, life goals, and his heart. Suddenly, prestige and honor seemed trivial in comparison with knowing Christ and seeing His name proclaimed among the nations.
During the summer of 2023, he went to Southeast Asia with Nehemiah Teams, where the Lord called him into mobilization. He hopes that other students just like him will go overseas, and see their lives radically transformed by the Lord and total obedience to the great commission. The harvest indeed is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Jack lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In December, he married Jane, whom he met through Nehemiah Teams! She currently works in reaching international students in Philadelphia.
To become a ministry partner with Jack, please contact him at the following email address: [email protected]