Joe and Elizabeth Blandeburgo live in the Southern Philippines, where they serve as Student Strategists with the International Mission Board. In 2012 Joe was introduced to mission work when he went on a short-term trip to the Philippines with Nehemiah Teams. The Lord used that experience as a catalyst to lead both Joe and Elizabeth towards the mission field and brought them to the Philippines to work on the student strategy team with the Jennings as IMB Journeyman from 2015-2017. God cultivated a passion in them to mobilize and disciple young people to obey the Lord in all things, including the Great Commission.
Joe and Elizabeth met as students at the University of Delaware through the Baptist Student Ministry. Joe graduated with BS in Finance and Elizabeth graduated with a degree in Chemical engineering. Joe has a Masters of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Joe and Elizabeth have 3 beautiful children: Benjamin (5), Ellie Rose (3), and Marie (1).
As IMB personnel, Joe and Elizabeth are fully supported by Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The Blandeburgos do not receive any funds from Nehemiah Teams, Inc. You can donate directly to the IMB by following this link: Your gifts help support the work of almost 3600 missionaries worldwide.
If you would like to support the work of Nehemiah Teams beyond gifts through the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, we would be grateful for your help. The Nehemiah Teams: Student Missionary Training project fund provides additional budget specifically for travel & training.
Travel budget includes setting up in new areas of Southeast Asia for new American teams, on-site survey with local field supervisors, and travel for national partners to assist with setting up Nehemiah Teams in new countries (national program). Training budget includes funds for Advance Operations Training (AOT) which is held in the Philippines and Alabama. It also covers food/travel expenses for a retreat held for all national franchise NT leaders in the Philippines.