Just recently, India surpassed China as the most populated country in the world with 1.422 billion people living there. The majority of these people are Hindus. Hinduism is hard to define, and is really more of a culture than a religion, however, the central idea of it is doing good works to have good karma. Those who do good will be rewarded, whereas those who do bad will be punished. There are 2,279 distinct people groups in India, and 2,048 of them are considered unreached (joshuaproject.net). In order to reach India for Christ, there needs to be thousands of missionaries who commit to going and staying there long-term. Prayer points: - Pray that Hindus in India will realize that no amount of good works will save them, they need a Perfect Savior. - Pray for Muslims in India, that they will find Jesus. - Pray that thousands of cross-cultural missionaries will commit to going and staying in India. - Pray for Indian believers, that they will cross cultural and ethnic barriers to reach the lost in their own cities and regions.