Our Story
![]() Since 1993, the Jennings have served as cross-cultural workers in Southeast Asia. For 15 years they planted churches among the rural poor. Students were always a strategic part of their work. In 2004, Nehemiah Teams (NT) was founded. Over 3200 young people have been trained and sent out by NT to multiple unreached people groups in 31 different countries, serving on over 660 teams. These teams have worked with on-field personnel in remote villages and urban centers sharing the gospel with nominal Christians, Tribal animists, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.
To lead students to finish the Great Commission in this generation
Nehemiah Teams is an 8-week summer mission opportunity for students ages 17-29 which strategically involves them in cross-cultural missions among unreached people groups. As a program of the International Mission Board (IMB), NT partners with IMB personnel and other global Christians, connecting with state conventions, local Southern Baptist associations & churches to reach the unreached & hard to reach. Goals
1. To lead student to open doors & plant churches among the unreached and hard to reach internationally.
2. To help student grow in their walk with the Lord. 3. To help students become World Christians. 4. To help students deal with a mission calling & find their place in finishing the Great Commission. The Unreached & Hard to Reach
![]() God is always at work to bring those seeking Him in contact with those who know Him (Acts 8-the Ethiopian eunuch; Acts 10- Cornelius). However, multitudes of people still live behind religious, political, social, and geographical barriers; cut off from God’s message and His love. These unreached and hard to reach will never be reached unless we obey and go.
![]() Some of Our Partners Links: